
Select a service to assist your housing production planning process:

Housing Data Profile

  • View 258 statistics on demographics, housing cost, supply, and more in a single table.
  • Compare Belmont to its neighbors, similar cities & towns, the region, and the state.
  • Export the data profile to CSV.
View data profile  

Basic Needs Assessment

  • Read interpretive text explaining housing trends in Belmont.
  • View interactive visualizations of six key housing indicators for Belmont.
  • Provides most of the required data elements for the housing needs assessment section of a housing production plan.
  • Export the report to Word for inclusion in your Housing Production Plan.
Read needs assessment  

Data Download

  • Download all currently available data points for all cities & towns in the state.
  • Dig deeper and perform your own analyses.
  • Includes metadata.
View data download